About Me                            

What got me here?

My journey began when I realized I had “made it…” And I wanted to walk away from it all.

From the outside looking in, I had the perfect life. A loving and supportive husband, a beautiful custom-built home, two happy and healthy little girls. Hell, we even had a goddamn goldendoodle named Charlie—it couldn’t get more “American dream” if I tried!

And yet on the inside, something wasn’t quite… Right. Something was missing. There was a whisper inside of me, quietly asking me to pay attention to her.

But because I couldn’t quite put a finger on it, because I didn’t have any “logical reasons” as to why I felt the way I did, I wouldn’t listen to the whisper. (Sound familiar?)

For the longest time, I ignored her. Mostly because I was petrified of the direction I thought she might take me (Who the hell wants to walk away from a life so many women would kill for?), and partially because I had been so conditioned to look outside of myself for answers. I was never taught to listen to my inner voice, but to listen to other people—my parents, my teachers, whoever— instead because they “knew what was best for me.” Listening to other people’s voices was so safe and familiar, I simply didn’t trust my own.

After about a year of immersing myself in the feminine work, my life had begun to shift. I was adding more play and pleasure into my days, getting out of my head and into my body, exploring my sexuality, and slowly finding my voice. Starting to use it, however, still felt like it might actually kill me.

And since I couldn’t quite get myself to use this voice of mine, that whisper was still asking me to pay attention to her. Except now she was a bit louder and practically begging me to notice her. Aaaand I still had my fingers in my ears, doing everything I could to ignore her.

Eventually, I stopped ignoring her–the discomfort of ignoring her finally outweighed the discomfort of listening to her, and I did one of the hardest things I’ve ever done.

I told my husband I didn’t want to be married anymore.

Through coaching, programs, and retreats–I’ve grown, expanded, and transformed into a woman who’s willing to follow her desires, to listen to her intuition, to trust herself even when she can’t see down the path she’s walking.

I’m in a relationship with a man where we prioritize honest, vulnerable (and sometimes uncomfortable!) communication, have the hottest sex I’ve ever had, and call each other forward to be the best versions of ourselves.

I’ve developed intimate sisterhood connections with women in my life and have a bestie who I’m in daily communication with around everything from sharing what we had for lunch to our deepest, darkest fears.

I’m rewriting my relationship with my body and giving her more grace, love, appreciation, and permission to just be as she is than I ever have in my life, while also learning to honor her cycles instead of fight against them.

And my life is fucking amazing because of it. It’s joyful and sexy and messy. It’s constantly asking me to grow, to trust, and to expand. I spend a lot of my time outside of my comfort zone, continually pushing my edges.

This work has introduced me to the truest, most authentic version of myself.

And I fucking love her.

Why do i coach?

I coach because I know there are women out there with stories like my own.

Women who feel lost, stuck, or confused. Who don’t trust their own inner voice or are so disconnected from it that they can’t even hear her.

Women whose lives check all the boxes, look great from the outside, and are the envy of their neighbors–but leave them in a spiral of guilt and shame for not wanting what they have.

Women who hate the question “What do you want?” because they genuinely don’t know, whose lives are guided by obligations and shoulds and fears because they’re good women, good wives, good mothers–and those women don’t put themselves first.

I coach because I know the silent struggle of these women. The internal conflict that eventually takes up so much space it hangs like a cloud over everything.

I coach because I know it doesn’t have to be this way. That a magical, joyful, fulfilling life–whatever that looks like for you–is possible.

Sometimes we just need a little help, a little guidance, a little hand-holding. Someone to ask the right questions, to hold space for all parts of us, to share what they see when we just can’t see it ourselves, to be there as we make messes and clean them up, to remind us that it’s all worth it.

I’ve had that someone in my life many times over at this point.

And now I want to be that someone for you.

How do I spend my free time?

When I’m not coaching badass women like you, you can usually find me getting sweaty at the gym, wandering around Target or a farmers’ market, or searching for a fun new mocktail to try.

I’m a seeker at heart and love to learn, so I’m often in coaching or program containers myself. I've taken the leap over and over, investing time, money, and energy into coaching and transformative programs. Whether it's for my business, my personal growth, or cultivating a sense of sisterhood, I'm continually working on becoming the best version of myself so I can help you do the same thing!


Let’s create a life you can’t get enough of.

Schedule a complimentary connection call with me to see if coaching is right for you!